Since I like writing and I find films an interesting topic to write about, I decided to create a blog about productions that I have watched; or rather, certain films that have made such an impact on me that I'm taking the time and making an effort to write about it.
There are instances that I have made a post about a production but it lacks any notes... I possibly wanted to record that I have watched it but I don't have anything to say about it.
If I like any songs featured in the film, I will note the artist and the song title in quotes after the synopsis and review headings. I add trailers and music videos featuring the songs used in the production that I liked, whenever available.

I don't watch a lot of television series because they never seem to end, and I almost always think a production is only good during its first season run.
Moreover, since I make it a point to only write about a film once it has finished airing, it is quite difficult to write a concise review about a television series spanning several seasons and undergoing many character changes.
Sometimes though, I just go ahead and do it...

I like watching Asian dramas; particularly Japanese dramas, Korean dramas, and Taiwanese dramas. Sometimes, I end up thinking and talking about it afterwards.
I create my own synopsis based on the production's first episode, because sometimes the standard summary published by the production staff does not give it justice.
My notes are relatively short, and I usually just talk about (1) some dialogues and narration I want to quote and remember, (2) any insights or information I find interesting, (3) aspects of the drama I like or dislike, and (4) sometimes things I didn't understand or I feel doesn't make any sense.

Although it seems easier to write about movies given that one is generally only around two hours long, I tend to always forget to do so. I'm going to only write about some of the films I have watched, because it doesn't seem possible to write about everything that I have seen.
I will most probably prioritize writing about movies that I want to recommend to other people...
- American Movies
- Chinese Movies
- Filipino Movies
- French Movies
- Indian Movies
- Japanese Movies
- Korean Movies
- Spanish Movies
- Thai Movies

I don't really watch a lot of variety shows. I do watch all the productions hosted by the members of Arashi, a Japanese idol group and my all-time favorite.
I make a sort of overview and general review of these variety shows, but only after these productions have finished airing.

I mostly use the review posts for any insights, questions, quotes, etc. that I get from a particular film. Once in a while though, I come across a production with a lot of interesting dialogues and narration, that I have to make a separate post.
- Friends
- Gossip Girl
- Lie to Me
- Sex and the City
- The Big Bang Theory -- Season 01 | Season 02 | Season 03 | Season 04 | Season 05 | Season 06 | Season 07 | Season 08 | Season 09 | Season 10

If you wish to contact me, feel free to send an email.