12 December 2015

サムライせんせい Samurai Sensei

Title: サムライせんせい Samurai Sensei
English Title: Samurai Teacher
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
Year: 2015
Episode: 08
  • 錦戸亮 Nishikido Ryo
  • 神木隆之介 Kamiki Ryunosuke
  • 比嘉愛未 Higa Manami
  • 藤井流星 Fujii Ryusei
  • 黒島結菜 Kuroshima Yuina
  • 石田ニコル Ishida Nicole
  • 梶原善 Kajihara Ken
  • 森本レオ Morimoto Leo

In 1865, Takechi Hanpeita was imprisoned for his political activities, and was ordered to commit suicide. He kills himself, and loses consciousness.

He suddenly wakes up to find himself in the middle of the road of modern day Japan. When he finds out he somehow traveled through time, he has no idea how it happened. He wants to go back to 150 years in the past where he was from, but he can't quite figure out how to do so.

Samurai Sensei is an interesting drama about history and modern times. Someone from the past who gets transported into the present would certainly wonder how things have become quite different; sometimes probably for the worst, but at times possibly for the better.

Takechi Hanpeita is an interesting person, and I'm curious why he has been transported through time. He's an important person in history, but it makes you wonder why he had to travel through time of all people.

Hanpeita seems to have handled things gracefully when he was told that he is now in what from his perspective is the future. He remains calm even though he doesn't know anyone, and he doesn't understand most things.

The drama tries to explain the relevant historical events, but since I'm not very familiar with the topic, it seems I have to read through historical books to really figure things out.

サムライせんせい Samurai Sensei