19 December 2012

東京全力少女 Tokyo Zenryoku Shōjo

Title: 東京全力少女 Tōkyō Zenryoku Shōjo
English Title: Tokyo Best Girl
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
Year: 2012
Episode: 11
  • 武井咲 Takei Emi
  • 渡部篤郎 Watabe Atsuro
  • 塚本高史 Tsukamoto Takashi
  • 堀内敬子 Horiuchi Keiko
  • 比嘉愛未 Higa Manami
  • 市川由衣 Ichikawa Yui
  • 三浦翔平 Miura Shohei
  • 森カンナ Mori Kanna
  • 温水洋一 Nukumizu Yōichi
  • 志村玲那 Shimura Rena
  • 内藤理沙 Naito Risa
  • 渋谷飛鳥 Shibuya Asuka
  • 渡辺邦斗 Watanabe Kunito

Saeki Urara's mother divorced her father when she was four years old, and they moved from Tokyo to Kitohara in Kagawa prefecture. Her mother told her that her father died soon after they got divorced but on her nineteenth birthday, Urara's mother told her that she lied and her father is actually alive. Urara withdraws her entire savings and goes to Tokyo to look for her father.

Urara meets a lot of interesting people who help her settle in Tokyo: carefree Tamagawa Daisuke whose family owns a boarding house for foreigners, shop owner Serizawa Hanako who also works as an actress, aspiring lawyer Sakurai Kōichi who looks after his four-year-old daughter as a single parent, and club owner Kubo Haruka who gives Urara a job as a hostess.

On her first day in Tokyo, Urara loses her entire fortune to a pickpocket. Hanako introduces her to Suzuki Takuya, a person who could possibly lend Urara some money. Coincidentally, Takuya is Urara's father and the reason why she went to Tokyo in the first place.

Urara moves into her father's apartment even though her father wanted her to go back to her hometown. As Urara gets to know her father, she finds out that he is dating several women who may be either two-timing her father or dating her father with an ulterior motive. Urara makes it her mission to protect her father from being hurt by others and to ensure his happiness.

Tokyo Zenryoku Shōjo is about a meddlesome teenager, and how she affects the people around her. Consequently, it is also about how she changes because of the people she relates with.

Saeki Urara goes to live with her estranged father, and her father allowed her to stay with him although he was initially against the idea. I suppose I can stretch my imagination and accept that ordinary people can willingly tolerate major upheavals in their daily lives in such short notice .

What boggles my mind is how Urara does not bat an eyelash at the fact that her father is dating at least three women at the same time, but she is worried that these women are dating her father with an ulterior motive.

I suppose I should probably make some allowances for Urara. After all, she is related to her father by blood, and she probably puts her father's happiness and well-being ahead of other people.

Be that as it may, I think people should have some basic courtesies. She doesn't have to go out of her way to be concerned about other people's happiness but if she knows that her father is being a terrible womanizer, I suppose I expect her to at least confront her father about it. Which she doesn't, and that's what I find particularly disappointing.

東京全力少女 Tokyo Zenryoku Shōjo