20 December 2010

ケイゾク 2: SPEC (Keizoku 2: SPEC)

  • SPEC
  • ケイゾク 2: SPEC (Keizoku 2: SPEC)
English Title: SPEC
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
Year: 2010
Episode: 10
  •  戸田恵梨香 Toda Erika
  • 加瀬亮 Kase Ryo
  • 神木隆之介 Kamiki Ryunosuke
  • 城田優 Shirota Yū
  • 竜雷太 Raita Ryu
  • 福田沙紀 Fukada Saki
  • 田中哲司 Tanaka Tetsushi
  • 松澤一之 Matsuzawa Kazuyuki
  • 岡田浩暉 Okada Koki
  • 載寧龍二 Sainei Ryuji
  • 有村架純 Arimura Kasumi

There are a couple of police detectives as part of Mishō, a special division solving difficult cases. Tōma Saya is a woman with an IQ of 201, a huge appetite with strange tastes in food, and an inability to 'read the atmosphere' and relate to others in social situations. Due to a previous case, Saya's left arm is in a sling.

Her partner Sebumi Takeru used to be the star performer of the Metropolitan Police. After some incident, he was transferred to Mishō. Saya and Takeru track down offenders with special abilities (SPEC) who managed to get away with their crimes.

Keizoku 2: SPEC is a really great drama to watch because the characters are quirky and interesting, the cases are strange and complicated, and the outcome not always black and white.

I especially like the drama because it explored the mysteries of the human brain and human abilities. It is said that the average person only uses around 10% of their brain so what is the 90% for? Perhaps people who can manage to make use of the other 90% (or part of it, thereof) of their brain have special abilities and extraordinary characteristics.

Because of the special abilities of criminals or other people involved in the case, it is difficult to try to figure out what the special ability was and who has it, who was the real criminal, and how the crime was committed exactly. So when it's time for Tōma Saya to explain what really happened, everyone's all ears.

The twists in the story line is also something I did not know, since I haven't watched the first season of the drama and I haven't read the manga it was based on. The twists were really unexpected but quite interesting. It's not the usual way plot lines go so it was a really great story development.

Keizoku 2: SPEC also made me think what kind of special ability or extraordinary characteristic I would like to have. It would be interesting to know the future (say, what lottery numbers will win tomorrow) or to be able to stop time at important moments (and maybe redo things all over again)...

SPEC~結~漸ノ篇 SPEC Ketsu Zen no Hen
SPEC~結~爻ノ篇 SPEC Ketsu Kō no Hen

ケイゾク Keizoku
ケイゾク 特別篇(ファントム) Keizoku: Phantom
ケイゾク The Movie (Keizoku the Movie)

ケイゾク 2: SPEC (Keizoku 2: SPEC)