Title: ヒポクラテスの誓い Hipokuratesu (Hippocrates) no Chikai
English Title:
- Hippocrates' Oath
- Oath of Hippocrates
- The Hippocrates' Oath
Language: Japanese
Year: 2016
Episode: 05
- 北川景子 Kitagawa Keiko
- 柴田恭兵 Shibata Kyohei
- 濱田マリ Hamada Mari
- 尾上松也 Onoe Matsuya
- 橋爪遼 Hashizume Ryo
- 相島一之 Aijima Kazuyuki
- 古谷一行 Furuya Ikko
- 金田明夫 Kaneda Akio
- 佐藤めぐみ Sato Megumi
- 大塚良重 Otsuka Yoshie
Tsugano Makoto is a medical intern in internal medicine. She looks up to her mentor Dr. Tsukuba Kimito, who tells her to learn as much as she can while she's still an intern and advises her to learn forensic medicine under his good friend Dr. Mitsuzaki Tojiro.
Makoto goes to the forensic medicine who welcomes her because they are currently short on staff. While working with Dr. Mitsuzaki Tojiro, Makoto doesn't understand why he insists on performing autopsies even though it would get him in trouble, but the autopsies reveal a hidden truth...
Hippocrates no Chikai is an interesting drama about forensic medicine. Things aren't always what they seem, and an autopsy is necessary to figure out the real cause of death.
In this drama, the situation is made complicated by the fact that doctors misdiagnosed their patients because a recent research uncovered a side effect of a medicine they are prescribing. When the doctors became aware of their mistakes, they covered up their mistakes instead of trying to fix things.
I think it's unrealistic to expect doctors to know everything and to require doctors to make perfect diagnosis all the time. After all, doctors are human beings who are prone to make mistakes.
But as professionals, I think it's reasonable to expect doctors to do the best they can under the circumstances. And of course, if they realized that they made mistakes, I think it's reasonable to require doctors to try and fix things instead of pretending that they never made mistakes in the first place.
ヒポクラテスの誓い Hippocrates no Chikai