19 September 2016


  • Hope
  • Hope 期待ゼロの新入社員 Kitai Zero no Shinnyuu Shain
English Title: Hope
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
Year: 2016
Episode: 09
  • 中島裕翔 Nakajima Yuto
  • 遠藤憲一 Endo Kenichi
  • 瀬戸康史 Seto Koji
  • 山本美月 Yamamoto Mizuki
  • 桐山照史 Kiriyama Akito
  • マギー Magy
  • 中村ゆり Nakamura Yuri
  • 丸山智己 Maruyama Tomomi
  • 松田賢二 Matsuda Kenji
  • 松澤一之 Matsuzawa Kazuyuki
  • 遠山俊也 Toyama Toshiya
  • 矢柴俊博 Yashiba Toshihiro
  • 桜田通 Sakurada Dori
  • 加治将樹 Kaji Masaki
  • 渡辺邦斗 Watanabe Kunito (渡邉邦門 Watanabe Kunito)
  • 朝加真由美 Asaka Mayumi
  • 風間杜夫 Kazama Morio

Ichinose Ayumu was aiming to become a professional go player, but family circumstances led him to take a different direction to the one he prepared for his whole life.

Ayumu now works as an intern at a major trading company, where he stands out for his unimpressive educational background, as well as his lack of qualifications and skills. According to the rumor mill, he was hired mainly due to his connection to the managing director of the company.

Ayumu is assigned to work in the marketing and sales department under the manager Oda Ishahitp and assistant manager Aki Kosuke. Although he is willing to learn on the job and he is determined to work hard, Ayumu is completely clueless about the office culture and environment.

Hope is an interesting drama about the daily trials and tribulations of the average office workers. I like the drama's realistic portrayal of the characters, and true-to-life interpretations of work situations.

I like all the characters in Hope, and I can identify with most of the characters at some point or another. I have also been in similar situations during my early years at work so it was easy to relate to the characters and to understand where they come from.

It's interesting that Ichinose Ayumu thinks it's too painful to accept that he ended up where he is because of things he couldn't control, and so he prefers to think that his situation was brought about by the fact that he didn't work hard enough.

Ayumu wants to think that what happened with him was mainly his responsibility, and I'm similar to him in that way actually. It just seems normal to take responsibility for myself and my actions, or inaction in some cases.

In addition, when other people attribute their mistakes and failures to external factors, I get quite frustrated because it seems as if they are just making excuses, but I can't really explain why I feel that way. I mean, when someone says he didn't know about the schedule or procedures, I don't think that's an acceptable reason and in my mind, I think it was his responsibility to be informed about things that he should know.

Anyway, the drama uses a lot of strategies in the game of go and applies these insights to office culture and environment. I managed to follow along but perhaps I would have more appreciation and better understanding for the analogies if I knew how to play the game.

kr - 미생 Incomplete Life
kr - 미생 Incomplete Life Prequel
