14 May 2009

Lie to Me (Season 01) Quotes

Title: Lie to Me

S01E01 Pilot

Cal Lightman: That's okay. I don't have much faith in words, myself. Statistically speaking, the average person tells three lies per ten minutes of conversation. And granted, it's just regular people. We haven't studied people planning to fire-bomb a black church; it could skew differently.

Cal Lightman: Classic one-sided shrug is translation of absolutely no confidence on what I just said. The body contradicts the words; he's lying.

Cal Lightman: Scorn... Shame... Contempt...
Cal Lightman: These expressions are universal. Emotion looks the same whether you're a suburban housewife or a suicide bomber. The truth is written on all our faces.

Cal Lightman: Well, I guess we're all here: someone who wants the truth, someone who wants to be right, and us, the idiots in the middle.

Assistant US Attorney Hutchinson: I thought you could tell if somebody is lying just by looking at them.
Gillian Foster: The question is never simply if someone is lying. It's why.

Cal Lightman: When I asked James about his best race, he broke eye contact in order to remember an answer truthfully. When I asked him about his run on the night of the murder, he never broke eye contact. He wasn't recalling a memory; he was lying.
Assistant US Attorney Hutchinson: But I thought most people avoid eye contact when they're lying?
Cal Lightman: No, it's a myth. And quite often, they make more eye contact. They need to watch to see if you believe their lies.

Gillian Foster: When you're lying, it's hard to tell a story backwards, because there's no real memory of what happened. Liars rehearse stories in order; they don't think to rehearse them backwards.

Cal Lightman: The only way three people can keep a secret is if two of them are dead.

Cal Lightman: Body language tells the truth, even from the grave.

Cal Lightman: Eyebrows go up like yours, the person knows the answer to the question they are asking.

Gillian Foster: You could have just told me what this was for.
Cal Lightman: No. You're a terrible liar.
Gillian Foster: Normal people think that's a good thing.

Ria Torres: So you lie to your partner about her husband, and you lie to the people who hired us. What am I supposed to believe about you?
Cal Lightman: You believe whatever you want. That's what everyone else does.

S01E02 Moral Waiver

Cal Lightman: Gesture of retreat... A step backwards means he doesn't believe in what he just said. He's lying.

Gillian Foster: Does your radical honesty pledge mean you have to say everything you think?
Eli Loker: It's the only way to be truly honest.
Gillian Foster: Let's turn it off while we're working, shall we?

Gillian Foster: Arson and rape have an unusually high correlation. They are both crimes about the assertion of power.

Cal Lightman: The absence of emotion is just as important as the presence of emotion.

Eli Loker: How's it going with Lightman?
Ria Torres: Ah, he's not my biggest fan.
Eli Loker: Well, that's just because you're uneducated.
Ria Torres: Excuse me?
Eli Loker: Well, you're a natural. The few naturals Lightman's come across have one thing in common: no college degree. You haven't been asked to focus on verbal skills, so you focus on body language.
Ria Torres: You're saying I can't learn the science?
Eli Loker: I'm saying you didn't have to. It's got to be irritating for a guy who's spent two decades trying to see what you were born seeing.

Ria Torres: You drugged her so she could lie?
Cal Lightman: Never let the facts get in the way of the truth.

S01E03 Perfect Score

Cal Lightman: Gillian Foster did a study once on popularity and lies in school. Do you know what she found?
Ria Torres: There's a connection?
Cal Lightman: Yeah. The more popular the kid, the better liar.

Cal Lightman: A study shows that the popular kids are the most facile; they adapt quickly to hide their true feelings, and that's what makes them popular.

S01E04 Love Always

Cal Lightman: A finger tells you so much, doesn't it?
Gillian Foster: (A finger) pointed one way while his eyes are pointed at another,
Cal Lightman: That happens when you're lying. Your mind is working so hard to make stuff up that your body can't keep in sync.

S01E05 Unchained

Eli Loker: People think you take longer to respond if you're lying but that's just if the lie is spontaneous.
Gillian Foster: If the lie is prepared ahead of time, you're eager to get it over with.

Gillian Foster: People always think that anger is the most dangerous emotion, but disgust is the language of hate.

Eli Loker: This is the new face of racism. Instead of overt prejudice, you see unconscious discrimination...
Gillian Foster: And when unconscious racism surfaces, it can be lethal.

Cal Lightman: I'm sorry about before. Sometimes I see so much, I don't know how not to tell people.
Ria Torres: Yeah, I get that.
Cal Lightman. You're right; most people don't change. Right? I've been there; waiting for it, hoping for it, and then they just... don't. But there are a few, I think, who can.

S01E06 Do No Harm

Eli Loker: Every lie has consequences that you can't see coming.

S01E07 The Best Policy

Cal Lightman: Look, in case you haven't figured it out yet, it's different when you're one of us. Everybody has things they don't wish to share.
Ria Torres: She's your friend.
Cal Lightman: You're not listening to me. In this workplace, with everything that we see, we have to be very clear on the rules.
Ria Torres: You and Gillian Foster have rules?
Cal Lightman: If there's something she wants to tell me, she will. Everything else, everything else I see, I ignore. I trust her to take care of herself.

Eli Loker: Well, he's got the best posture I've ever seen. He looks like Mussolini.
Gillian Foster: He's trying to make himself looks bigger. Men, gorillas, blowfish; when they want to appear dominant, they puff themselves out.
Eli Loker: This guy is definitely compensating for something.

Jeffrey Buchanan: You know something? For somebody who's studied emotions their entire life, you really don't understand them, at all.

S01E08 Depraved Heart

Gillian Foster: Look at a man like he's the devil, and you'll never understand his motives.

Gillian Foster: Just because you can see everything doesn't mean you can understand it.

Gillian Foster: The worst lies we tell are out of love.

Gail ?: But we can't actually charge him with depraved heart. We'd have to be able to prove he knew those women were gonna commit suicide.
Cal Lightman: He knew. When he asked how he could have known those women were gonna jump, his eyebrows went up. Eyebrows up means you know the answer to your own question.

S01E10 Better Half

Cal Lightman: Now you're going to have to learn to lie better than that if you want a real career in front of the camera.