14 December 2018

リーガルV Legal V

Title: リーガルV Legal V
English Title: Legal V
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
Year: 2018
Episode: 9
  • 米倉涼子 Yonekura Ryoko
  • 林遣都 Hayashi Kento
  • 高橋英樹 Takahashi Hideki
  • 勝村政信 Katsumura Masanobu
  • 三浦翔平 Miura Shohei
  • 安達祐実 Adachi Yumi
  • 荒川良々 Arakawa Yoshiyoshi
  • 小日向文世 Kohinata Fumiyo
  • 向井理 Mukai Osamu
  • 菜々緒 Nanao
  • 宮本茉由 Miyamoto Mayu
  • 内藤理沙 Naito Risa

Takanashi Shoko is a brilliant lawyer who had her license to practice law revoked because of rumors of her connection with illegal gangs.

Shoko then sets up the Kyogoku Law Firm with Kyogoku Masahiko, a law professor who is an attorney on paper only. As the firm's supervisor, she recruits talented Aoshima Kenta to their firm. She also hires Kayano Akira, Ito Rie, and Baba Yuichi as paralegals, although they all had no prior experience.

Legal V is an interesting drama about Kyogoku Law Firm tackling difficult cases wherein the odds are seemingly stacked against their clients, and it seems that they are eventually bound to lose in court.

The drama talks about how things aren't always what they seem, and sometimes people usually make assumptions that are very misleading. It teaches you to be careful about taking things at face value, and to always analyze the situation even when it seems as if everything is as clear as can be.

リーガルV Legal V