13 June 2015

アルジャーノンに花束を Algernon ni Hanataba wo

Title: アルジャーノンに花束を Arujānon (Algernon) ni Hanataba wo
English Title: Flowers for Algernon
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
Year: 2015
Episode: 10
  • 山下智久 Yamashita Tomohisa
  • 栗山千明 Kuriyama Chiaki
  • 窪田正孝 Kubota Masataka
  • 工藤阿須加 Kudo Asuka
  • 大政絢 Omasa Aya
  • 谷村美月 Tanimura Mitsuki
  • 菊池風磨 Kikuchi Fuma
  • 河相我聞 Kaai Gamon
  • 勝矢 Katsuya
  • 斎藤嘉樹 Saito Yoshiki
  • 前田公輝 Maeda Goki
  • いしだ壱成 Ishida Issei
  • 飯豊まりえ Iitoyo Marie

Shiratori Sakuto is 28 years old but he has the intelligency of a young child. He has been abandoned by his family because his mother hates stupid children. He wants to be smarter so that his mother will love him.

Also known as Saku, he works at the Dream Flower Service, a flower distribution centre that provides employment and housing for troubled youth. Saku's close friends are Yanagawa Ryuichi and Hiyama Kosuke, who is also his roommate.

Mochizuki Haruka works at the Molecule Nerve Cell Development Department at the Brain Physiology Research Center. Haruka's team studies mental intelligence and attempts to improve mental performance through various means. They have produced excellent results in their laboratory experiments on a white mouse called Algernon.

Haruka's team is ready to start clinical trials on human beings. She suggests Saku as a potential candidate to her team, whom she met when Saku delivered some flowers at her place.

Algernon ni Hanataba wo...

アルジャーノンに花束を Algernon ni Hanataba wo (2002)

アルジャーノンに花束を Algernon ni Hanataba wo