07 September 2016


  • On
  • On 異常犯罪捜査官・藤堂比奈子 Ijou Hanzai Sousakan Todo Hinako
English Title:
  • On
  • On Special Agent Todo Hinako
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
Year: 2016
Episode: 09
  • 波瑠 Haru
  • 横山裕 Yokoyama Yu
  • 林遣都 Hayashi Kento
  • 要潤 Kaname Jun
  • 渡部篤郎 Watanabe Atsuro
  • 原田美枝子 Harada Mieko
  • 百瀬朔 Momose Saku
  • 高橋努 Takashi Tsutomu
  • 斉藤慎二 Saito Shinji
  • 佐藤玲 Sato Ryo
  • 松川尚瑠輝 Matsukawa Naruki
  • 是近敦之 Korechika Atsushi
  • 光石研 Mitsuishi Ren
  • 松本穂香 Matsumoto Honoka
  • 奥貫薫 Okunuki Kaoru
  • 伊藤麻実子 Ito Mamiko

Todo Hinako is a rookie detective who graduated from the police academy at the top of her class. She always carries with herself a bottle of shimichi chili pepper that she sprinkles over everything she eats and drinks.

Hinako finds bizarre criminal cases interesting, and she's memorized all the unsolved cases within her jurisdiction.

On is an interesting drama about the idea that every human being has an internal switch that when turned on would lead them to commit heinous crimes.

When criminals commit terrible crimes; what makes them do it? Some criminals even torture the innocent victims; why do they do it? Are there some people who are just inherently evil? Are there some people who are just born evil?

The drama certainly raised a lot of questions. Does everyone really have the capacity to kill someone? Is there really an internal switch that is automatically in off mode for all human beings? What instances would trigger the internal switch to go on? Whenever the internal switch is on, does that mean the person no longer has the ability to make conscious decisions to not murder someone even though he really wants to do so?
