Title: リアル・クローズ Riaru Kurōzu (Real Clothes)
English Title: Real Clothes
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
Year: 2009
Episode: 11
- 能瀬香里奈 Nose Karina (香里奈 Karina)
- 黒木瞳 Kuroki Hitomi
- 西島秀俊 Nishijima Hidetoshi
- 黄川田将也 Kikawada Masaya
- 小泉孝太郎 Koizumi Kotaro
- 能世あんな Nose Ana
- えれな Erena
- 加藤夏希 Kato Natsuki
- 眞野裕子 Mano Yuko
- 久保田磨希 Kubota Maki
- 前原絵理 Maehara Eri
- 高岡蒼佑 Takaoka Sōsuke
Amano Kinue is a hardworking woman who works in the futon or mattress section of a department store. One day, she finds out that she is suddenly transferred to the women clothing department although she doesn't really know much about clothes and fashion.
Jinbo Miki is a successful and very stylish woman who was tasked to improve the sales in the women clothing department. She trains Kinue about the harsh realities about the world and the importance of fashion for women.
Real Clothes is a must-watch drama if you're interested in clothes and fashion. Even if you are not interested in fashion, this drama is still a must-watch if you would like to be more fashionable or presentable, at the very least.
This production is actually the longer and more detailed version of the リアル・クローズ Real Clothes one-episode drama that aired a few months earlier.
Real Clothes also presents the working lives of the people in a department store; from the top management to the buyers responsible for getting the merchandise and to the salespeople on the floor responsible for selling the merchandise.Those who are considering to work in these fields may get some insights on their future careers and work lives if they watch the drama.
I don't really think it is necessary to buy exquisitely made clothes that are very expensive; definitely so if you can't possibly afford to buy these things. However, I do agree that it is necessary to pay attention on one's appearance. To an extent, it is very important to present ourselves well.
We cultivate the persona we want both on the inside and on the outside. If you want to seem responsible, it is important to dress responsibly. If you want to be smart, it is important to look smart and to act smart, on top of studying to become actually smart, of course.
More than that, the drama has some quotes that are really points to ponder:
Jinbo Miki: How people look is very important.
Jinbo Miki: If you wear boring clothes, you will have a boring life.
Jinbo Miki: Wear beautiful clothes. If you wear beautiful clothes, you will have a beautiful life.
Jinbo Miki: In five years, in ten years... where do you want to be and what do you want to do?
Jinbo Miki: To not regret things, shouldn't we walk the path we chose properly?
Jinbo Miki: The bigger the relinquished thing becomes, the more will people try their best, I believe. The existence of someone important, who is now far away and leading a different life, can give us the power to move forward. Surely, the most important thing in life is with whom you meet. This conclusion also holds... even if it's farewell in the end.
I really like the quote "In five years, in ten years... where do you want to be and what do you want to do?". It forces people to think about how things are right now as well as how they want their future to be. It encourages people to take charge of their lives and their future.
I also like the quote "To not regret things, shouldn't we walk the path we chose properly?". It encourages people to take responsibility for their choices and decisions.
リアル・クローズ Real Clothes (2008)
リアル・クローズ Real Clothes