Title: 응답하라 1988 Eungdabhara 1988
English Title:
- Answer Me 1988
- Reply 19888
- Respond 1988
Clues that Choi Taek is the One
Episode 01: 손에 손잡고 (Hand in Hand)
- in the introduction, Choi Taek's name has a dot or period after it, which indicates that he's the chosen one
- in the introduction, Choi Taek's house is illustrated with a green gate (the illustrations of other houses are plain white)
Episode 02: 당신이 나에 대해 착각하는 한 가지 (The One Thing You Misunderstood About Me) (The One Thing You’re Mistaken About Me)
- Choi Taek's gate is color green
- "You have to grow up so you can marry me." (Sung Deok Sun to Choi Taek)
- "The superstar always comes last." (Kim Sung Kyun)
- "The star of the show always shows up last." (Lee Il Hwa)
- "Oh yeah, I want you all to greet him. He's our son-in-law." (Sung Dong Il)
- "We called dibs first! Right, Taek?" (Lee Il Hwa)
- flashback is about how Choi Taek moved in the neighborhood and became friends with the gang
Episode 03: 유전무죄 무전유죄 (Not Guilty If You’re Rich, Guilty If You’re Poor)
Episode 04: Can't Help~ ing
Episode 05: 월동준비 (Preparing for Winter)
Episode 06: 첫 눈이 온다구요 (The First Snow is Falling)
- "Ah, so you can make this kind of play in this situation. This is how you play." (?)
- "Choi Taek comes right on time." (Lee ?)
Episode 07: 그대에게 (To That Person)
Episode 08: 따뜻한 말 한마디 (One Warm Remark) (One Warm Word)
Episode 09: 선을 넘는다는 것 (What It Means to Cross the Line)
Episode 10: Memory
- "Take responsibility." (Sung Sun Woo to Sung Deok Seon)
- "Take responsibility for Taek for the rest of your life." (Ryu Dong Ryong to Sung Deok Seon)
- "Okay. I will. I'd be happy to. How lucky I am." (Sung Deok Seon)
Episode 11: 세 가지 예언 (Three Different Prophecies)
Episode 12: 누군가를 사랑한다는 것은 (Loving Someone Means...) (What It Means to Love Someone)
Episode 13: 슈퍼맨이 돌아왔다 (Superman has Returned) (Superman is Back)
Episode 14: 걱정 말아요 그대 (Don't Worry, Dear) (Don't You Worry)
Episode 15: 사랑과 우정 사이 (Between Love and Friendship)
Episode 16: 인생이란 아이러니 - 1 (Life is Ironic Part 01)
Episode 17: 인생이란 아이러니 - 2 (Life is Ironic Part 02)
Episode 18: 굿바이 첫사랑 (Goodbyw, My First Love)
Episode 19: 당신은 최선을 다했다 (You Did Your Best)
Episode 20: 안녕 나의 청춘 굿바이 쌍문동 (Goodbye, Ssangmun-dong)