21 June 2015

ドS刑事 DoS Deka

Title: ドS刑事 DoS Deka
English Title: Ms. Sadistic Detective
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
Year: 2015
Episode: 11
  • 多部未華子 Tabe Mikako
  • 大倉忠義 Okura Tadayoshi
  • 吉田羊 Yoshida Yo
  • 八乙女光 Yaotome Hikaru
  • 中村靖日 Nakamura Yasuhi
  • 勝村政信 Katsumura Masanobu
  • 石井正則 Ishī Masanori
  • 瀬戸さおり Seto Saori
  • 菅裕輔 Suga Yusuke
  • 伊武雅刀 Ibu Masato
  • 岸本加世子 Kishimoto Kayoko

Kuroi Maya is a young detective, with the rank of sergeant, that just joined the First Division Criminal Investigation Team. Maya has a super sadistic personality, and she decided on her profession because she wants to torture criminals.

Daikanyama Shusuke worked as a patrol officer, and he encountered Maya when he became a crucial witness in a criminal investigation. She used her high connections in the police organization to get Shunsuke transferred to her team, and she decided that he will be her buddy.

DoS Deka is an interesting drama about a criminal investigation team lead by sadistic female detectives. Sergeant Kuroi Maya may have just joined the First Division Criminal Investigation Team, but her colleagues are just as afraid of Maya as they are of their boss, Superintendent Shirokane Fujiko.

Certainly, it is true that Maya and Fujiko both have strong personalities. But I think Fujiko has an assertive disposition, whereas Maya is purposely aggressive and particularly offensive.

Daikanyama Kaori: It's the sun strategy... "The North Wind and the Sun". If you want travelers to take off their jacket, you can't give them the north wind. But if you hit them with more and more sunlight, the travelers will naturally take their jackets off.
-- E06

ドS刑事 DoS Deka